
I am preparing the production report of all employees. I need the Excel worksheet to calculate the non-production time automatically for each employee from the standard 8hr time.

Eg: 1. Accountingwork :12:00 Pm - 3:00 Pm = 3Hrs - Production time.
2. Tax Work : : 3:00 Pm - 5:00 Pm = 2Hrs - Production time.
3. Others (non-production) : = 3Hrs -

I need help on the :

1. To flow balance of 3 hrs (8-3-2) automatically on the excel (not sure about the formula).

2. The total working hours of all employees in the excel. ( Productions & non-production).

Hope, I have not confused you. This would be of great help for me to prepare the report in less time and accurately
