
following situation:

I have colums with randomly placed values, let's say A1: 1, A5: 5, A10: 10, A50: 302, A992: 192.

What I need to do now is to calculate the empty rows that are between each of the numbers, and divide the difference between both numbers by the number of empty rows between them +1, and then add the result once for each cell going down, like A2: 1+1, A3: 2+1, A4: 3+1, A51: 302-0.116.

That is no problem, the only thing is that I have to manually calculate the empty rows, and add them to the formula


As the spreadsheet I'm working on has several thousand rows, I'm desperately looking for a way on how to create one formula, or VB or so, that I can just copy once and would make the calculation for me.

Thank you very much for your help.
