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How can I reuse the same Name on more than one worksheet?

  1. #1
    Trevor Heywood

    How can I reuse the same Name on more than one worksheet?

    I have a multiple worksheets in my workbook. I want to name a cell on each
    workbook by the same name "Litres" - note: I do NOT want a 3D reference to
    all at once, but individual references.
    On the same spreadsheet somehow I've managed this before - I have a name
    "Business" that is context-specific on whichever sheet I happen to be on, but
    I can't remember how I created it! Looking at at in the 'Names' dialog box,
    it appears in the list as:
    Business June
    ....where 'June' is the current sheet name. Can anyone help me with creating
    a reference like this?

  2. #2

    Re: How can I reuse the same Name on more than one worksheet?


    When you name your cells, you need to prefix the name with the sheet ref eg
    sheet1!top, sheet2!top etc
    Hope this helps.


    "Trevor Heywood" <Trevor [email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have a multiple worksheets in my workbook. I want to name a cell on each
    > workbook by the same name "Litres" - note: I do NOT want a 3D reference to
    > all at once, but individual references.
    > On the same spreadsheet somehow I've managed this before - I have a name
    > "Business" that is context-specific on whichever sheet I happen to be on,
    > but
    > I can't remember how I created it! Looking at at in the 'Names' dialog
    > box,
    > it appears in the list as:
    > Business June
    > ...where 'June' is the current sheet name. Can anyone help me with
    > creating
    > a reference like this?

  3. #3
    Paul B

    Re: How can I reuse the same Name on more than one worksheet?

    To use the same name range on each sheet

    Insert | Name | Define

    and type in the name you want to give the range prefixed by the sheet name
    and an exclamation point into the *top* text box; e.g.:


    Paul B
    Always backup your data before trying something new
    Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
    Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
    Using Excel 2002 & 2003

    "Trevor Heywood" <Trevor [email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have a multiple worksheets in my workbook. I want to name a cell on each
    > workbook by the same name "Litres" - note: I do NOT want a 3D reference to
    > all at once, but individual references.
    > On the same spreadsheet somehow I've managed this before - I have a name
    > "Business" that is context-specific on whichever sheet I happen to be on,
    > but
    > I can't remember how I created it! Looking at at in the 'Names' dialog
    > box,
    > it appears in the list as:
    > Business June
    > ...where 'June' is the current sheet name. Can anyone help me with
    > creating
    > a reference like this?

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