
Is there a way to let the Excel XP pivottables/OLAP cubes
reports save the member keys, not meber names? The members
disapperas in the reports when the names are updated i the
dim-table, and this is a problem.

All my Analysis Services dimension levels got keys unique
and names not unique. I can't set the dim-property keys
unique, because they are not.

This is the report info (from Frontpage/OWC, cant find it
in Excel):
<x:Name>0000 ABCDEFGH</x:Name>
<x:UniqueName>[MyDim].[All MyDim].[0000

(The ununique name column is "0000 ABCDEFGH", the unique
key column is "0000")

In Proclarity I think the keys are saved in this case.
