



Both of these formulas need to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Hope this helps!

In article <[email protected]>,
"dolpphinv4" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hi,
> i used the formula
> (Range1,Range1,0),""),
> IF(LEN(Range1)>0,MATCH(Range1,Range1,0),""))>0,1))
> and it worked! thanks...however, i need somehow change
> the fomula such that it gives the number of unique
> entries in range A if the equivalent value in B is
> not "XI", in the example below, the answer I want
> should be 3 (Alice and betty....alice should still be
> counted...Candy shld be eliminated coz Candy appears
> twice but twice the RangeB value is XI)
> Is this possible?
> RangeA RangeB
> alice OK
> Betty OK
> Candy XI
> Betty OK
> alice XI
> Denise OK
> Candy XI
> Thanks!
> Val