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Possible to apply Autofilter to a subset of available columns?

  1. #1
    Paul Moore

    Possible to apply Autofilter to a subset of available columns?


    I have a spreadsheet to which I want to apply Autofilter. However, I don't
    want to be able to sort on all columns, that is, I only want to be to filter
    and sort the spreadsheet based on some of the columns, with the other
    columns having no downward pointing arrow in their headers.

    I've found a way to do this for a single column. If I drag and select the
    column and enable Autofiler, then Autofilter is only enabled for that
    column. But I haven't found a way to do it for multiple and non-contiguous

    Can anyone help?

    Many thanks,

    Adjust dots for real address

  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Possible to apply Autofilter to a subset of available columns?

    You can hide some of the arrows with programming. There's sample code here:


    Paul Moore wrote:
    > I have a spreadsheet to which I want to apply Autofilter. However, I don't
    > want to be able to sort on all columns, that is, I only want to be to filter
    > and sort the spreadsheet based on some of the columns, with the other
    > columns having no downward pointing arrow in their headers.
    > I've found a way to do this for a single column. If I drag and select the
    > column and enable Autofiler, then Autofilter is only enabled for that
    > column. But I haven't found a way to do it for multiple and non-contiguous
    > columns.

    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

  3. #3
    Paul Moore

    Re: Possible to apply Autofilter to a subset of available columns?

    Thanks Debra,

    I'll try it out.


    Adjust "dots" for real address
    "Debra Dalgleish" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > You can hide some of the arrows with programming. There's sample code
    > here:
    > http://www.contextures.com/xlautofilter03.html#Hide
    > Paul Moore wrote:
    >> I have a spreadsheet to which I want to apply Autofilter. However, I
    >> don't want to be able to sort on all columns, that is, I only want to be
    >> to filter and sort the spreadsheet based on some of the columns, with the
    >> other columns having no downward pointing arrow in their headers.
    >> I've found a way to do this for a single column. If I drag and select the
    >> column and enable Autofiler, then Autofilter is only enabled for that
    >> column. But I haven't found a way to do it for multiple and
    >> non-contiguous columns.

    > --
    > Debra Dalgleish
    > Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List
    > http://www.contextures.com/tiptech.html

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