
Is it possible to create a list in one workbook and then use another workbook with a combo box to reference it? I know how to reference a single cell, but for some reason, when i try to do the same for a combo box, it says "Reference is invalid" or something along those lines.

The reason i want to do it this way is so that updating the list can change the list across an entire server rather than having to update the list on individual computers.....this also brings me to a second problem.

When the list gets updated, the reference number change, so if i was referencing Name!$A3 and then i decide to insert a new row so that A3 becomes A4, the value also changes so the new reference is to A4, is there anyway to keep it so it references a certain range and does shift in that can i just reference 1-500 and if something shifts then they all shift and the new entry is included?

Thanks for any vews and thanks for any replies. I also apologize if the thoughts are jumbled.
