I have created a pivot table with people's names in the ROW, year group and academic year in the COLUMN and weight/height in the DATA area. Below is a copy of the pivot table...

Year Group Academic Year
4 5
NAME Data 2004 2005
NAME 1 Height 1.44 1.44
Weight 51.00 51.00
NAME 2 Height 1.44 1.44
Weight 51.00 51.00

The DATA field has a drop down box to filter weight/height but if I use the filter to only show Height, I cannot get weight back (unless I undo). Why does the data column not have the same functionality (ie; show all, filter, then go back to show all) as, say, the NAME column (ROW field) does? Is there any way I can format the pivot table to ensure I don't lose all the original selections/fields in the DATA area if I don't show all? I know I can use SHOW FIELD LIST to put the selections back in but I don't want to have to re-format each time as this pivot table will be used by people who do not understand them or how to reconstruct them.

Thanks for any help.
