As part of a formula (or as part of Copy->PasteSpecial, I need to overwrite
a column of cells with either data or leave empty.
Example, =(if a<>b,c,"") - where c is a number - doesn't work because it
puts a blank in the cell.
Example, =(if a<>b,c,0) - where c is a number - doesn't work because it puts
a zero in the cell.

I don't want to use Tools->Options to show the cells as empty rather than
0.00 because that will be so for the whole sheet, not just the one column I
am worrying about.

I am trying to update a protected sheet automatically from a second sheet
and only the 2 columns I am supposed to enter data into are unprotected (can
be changed). I have the whole thing working now with a macro except for the
cells which are supposed to remain empty. If I use "" then it messes up a
subsequent formula, and if I use 0 then it looks wrong (I want to place the
value in each cell of the column only if it meets a certain condition, else
leave it empty.

Is there a way to make a cell empty as opposed to just looking empty?
I tried to replace all 0 with <delete key> but that didn't work ...

Looking for ideas ...

