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How do I name a picture as I paste it from VBA? (ActiveSheet.Past.

  1. #1

    How do I name a picture as I paste it from VBA? (ActiveSheet.Past.

    I want to use VBA (and maybe some variation of the ActiveSheet.Paste
    command?) to paste the image on the clipboard into Excel under a certain name
    i.e. "samplepicture". I have tried "ActiveSheet.Paste.samplepicture" and
    "ActiveSheet.Shapes("samplepicture").Paste" but can't seem to find a good

  2. #2
    Earl Kiosterud

    Re: How do I name a picture as I paste it from VBA? (ActiveSheet.Past.


    When you paste, it'll be selected.

    Selection.Name = "samplepicture"
    Earl Kiosterud

    "Leitey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I want to use VBA (and maybe some variation of the ActiveSheet.Paste
    > command?) to paste the image on the clipboard into Excel under a certain
    > name
    > i.e. "samplepicture". I have tried "ActiveSheet.Paste.samplepicture" and
    > "ActiveSheet.Shapes("samplepicture").Paste" but can't seem to find a good
    > syntax.

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: How do I name a picture as I paste it from VBA? (ActiveSheet.Past.

    One more way...

    After you've pasted the picture, it's the picture with the highest index.

    dim myPict as picture
    with activesheet
    set mypict = .pictures(.pictures.count)
    end with
    mypict.name = "SamplePicture"

    Leitey wrote:
    > I want to use VBA (and maybe some variation of the ActiveSheet.Paste
    > command?) to paste the image on the clipboard into Excel under a certain name
    > i.e. "samplepicture". I have tried "ActiveSheet.Paste.samplepicture" and
    > "ActiveSheet.Shapes("samplepicture").Paste" but can't seem to find a good
    > syntax.


    Dave Peterson

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