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Just pull filename

  1. #1

    Just pull filename

    I have a long list of rows in Excel that all look like this:

    07/01/2005 06:54 AM 703 appGlobals.cfm
    09/08/2003 02:13 PM 63 footer.cfm

    All the information is entered in column a and The file names all come
    at the end of each line. Is there a way I can pull out just the file
    names? Many thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Just pull filename

    One way:

    It looks like your lines have a fixed number of characters before the
    filename. If so, use

    =MID(A1,x, 255)

    where x is the character where your file names start.

    In article <[email protected]>,
    "Cardinal" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > I have a long list of rows in Excel that all look like this:
    > 07/01/2005 06:54 AM 703 appGlobals.cfm
    > 09/08/2003 02:13 PM 63 footer.cfm
    > All the information is entered in column a and The file names all come
    > at the end of each line. Is there a way I can pull out just the file
    > names? Many thanks in advance.

  3. #3

    Re: Just pull filename

    If all the lines begin with date followed by time and then file names
    after a long gap, you can try this

    Select the entire column "A"
    Data > Text to Columns... >Fixed Width >Next>
    In the resulting screen click in the gap where you want to begin a new
    column (Double click to remove it). Scroll down to quickly verify if
    the only filenames (in full) have come in the second column. If yes
    then click finish. If no; try to reposition the line that divides the
    date with file name.

    Karthik Bhat


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