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Can I combine 2 rows to make one record?

  1. #1

    Can I combine 2 rows to make one record?

    A Report that I imported into Excel 2003 (for sorting the records) comes in
    with some of the fields on a second row. How can I sort these records?

  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: Can I combine 2 rows to make one record?

    Are the records parsing correctly into discrete fields, or are the
    records all text that somehow wrap onto the next line? How the data
    starts out and how it's showing up vs. how you want it to show up makes
    a difference in how you address the problem.

    The software that is creating the file for export *may* be including
    line feed characters in the output; if the line feeds were not there
    the second line would not be an issue. If this might be the case and
    if you're feeling adventureous, make a backup of the export, open it
    using MS Word, and search for a special character, ^l (that's the
    caret symbol, shift 6, and a lower case L). If you see those within a
    record, do a search and replace and replace with nothing, then save and
    import to Excel. If the MS Word search yields nothing, try other
    special characters in the search window (click the More button and the
    Special button to reveal all your options).

    Another possibility, again depending on the nature of the data: import
    to Access rather than Excel.

  3. #3
    Earl Kiosterud

    Re: Can I combine 2 rows to make one record?


    If the two records don't have the same identifying entry in the column on
    which you need to sort the table, you can't. And if it does, you'll still
    probably need to have something in some column whereby you can distinguish
    the two record types. Excel doesn't really have any tools for multiple
    record types.

    If not, that is, if the second record can be identified only by it's
    position immediataly after it's matching first record, your best bet is to
    combine them with a formula. In fact, you may wish to do that anyway, to
    avail yourself of other tools you may want to use (Pivot tables, Subtotals,
    Filtering, etc.). Post back. Give an example of a pair of matching
    Earl Kiosterud

    "GreenPower" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >A Report that I imported into Excel 2003 (for sorting the records) comes in
    > with some of the fields on a second row. How can I sort these records?

  4. #4

    RE: Can I combine 2 rows to make one record?

    I do this often, although there may be an easier way, this works. I insert
    columns, one for each of the desired fields on the first row. On the second
    row for the first set of records I read the data from the appropriate fields
    in the first row and concatenate if necessary. For example:

    Before inserting:
    A B C
    1 Michele 1234 Help Chicago
    2 123-45-6789 773-123-4567

    After inserting
    A B C D
    E F
    1 Michele
    1234 Help Chicago
    2 =D1 =E1 =F1 123-45-6789

    After copying the formula to the bottom of the sheet, I insert a new
    worksheet where I copy and paste this sheet as values. Sort the new
    worksheet and delete the columns you no longer need and the old first rows,
    which should be easy to identify because the data doesn't match. The data
    isn't parsed well for your needs, concatenate the fields into the new columns.

    It's cumbersome, but it works.

    Hope this helps.

    "GreenPower" wrote:

    > A Report that I imported into Excel 2003 (for sorting the records) comes in
    > with some of the fields on a second row. How can I sort these records?

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