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Cell Data to Reflect Active Cell

  1. #1
    Peter Davies

    Cell Data to Reflect Active Cell

    Help - I'm struggling! Is it possible to switch the data in a particular
    cell to reflect the active cell as and when I move through a range in my

    For example:

    If Cells:
    A1 = Apples
    A2 = Pears
    A3 = Oranges
    A4 = Lemons

    and my active cell is A1 then I would like B5 to = Apples. If I move focus
    so that the Active cell is now A3 I then I would like B5 to = Oranges and so

    Thanks in advance, Peter

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Is this you are looking for?

    You can use target at the worksheet changing event. Below is the example of it. When you click at A1, cells D1 will show the value of A1. If you click on A2, cells D1 will show the value of A2.

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

    Select Case Target
    Case Cells(1, "A")
    Cells(1, "D") = Target.Value
    Case Cells(2, "A")
    Cells(1, "D") = Target.Value
    End Select

    End Sub

  3. #3

    Re: Cell Data to Reflect Active Cell

    "Peter Davies" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:#[email protected]:

    > Help - I'm struggling! Is it possible to switch the data in a
    > particular cell to reflect the active cell as and when I move through
    > a range in my spreadsheet?

    No, but just to satisfy my curiosity: Why would you need that?

    The cell contents are visible?


    It is I, DeauDeau
    (Free after monsieur Leclerc in 'Allo, 'allo)

  4. #4
    Earl Kiosterud

    Re: Cell Data to Reflect Active Cell


    You could use this proc. Put it in the sheet module.

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    ActiveSheet.Range("B5") = ActiveCell.Value
    End Sub

    If this should happen only when a cell is selected in Column A, then:

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then
    ActiveSheet.Range("B5") = ActiveCell.Value
    End If
    End Sub

    These won't work when the user has selected a range and is going through it
    with Enter or Tab. It also won't work if the user has selected more than
    one cell, then reselects the same range but with a different active (white)

    Earl Kiosterud

    "Peter Davies" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > Help - I'm struggling! Is it possible to switch the data in a particular
    > cell to reflect the active cell as and when I move through a range in my
    > spreadsheet?
    > For example:
    > If Cells:
    > A1 = Apples
    > A2 = Pears
    > A3 = Oranges
    > A4 = Lemons
    > and my active cell is A1 then I would like B5 to = Apples. If I move focus
    > so that the Active cell is now A3 I then I would like B5 to = Oranges and
    > so on.
    > Thanks in advance, Peter

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