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How do I track how often a cell is being referenced?

  1. #1
    Adam Eichen

    How do I track how often a cell is being referenced?

    I have a very large SS with multiple worksheets. I need to make some changes
    but don't want to effect Macros or other formulas.

    If A1 has a value of 2 and
    B1 has a value of 3 and
    C1 has a formula of A1+B1

    Is there a function or command I can use on A1 that will show me that it is
    included in a formula in C1?

  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: How do I track how often a cell is being referenced?

    If you'll click >View >Toolbars and check "Formula Auditing" a toolbar
    appears; in your scenario, with the cell pointer on cell A1, click
    Trace Dependents and a line will point to cell C1. This is a
    one-at-a-time approach, though; how many times will you need to do this?

  3. #3
    Adam Eichen

    Re: How do I track how often a cell is being referenced?

    "Dave O" wrote:

    > If you'll click >View >Toolbars and check "Formula Auditing" a toolbar
    > appears; in your scenario, with the cell pointer on cell A1, click
    > Trace Dependents and a line will point to cell C1. This is a
    > one-at-a-time approach, though; how many times will you need to do this?

    THANK YOU! I knew there had to be something. Don't know how I overlooked
    it. There is about 50 cells I have to check, but this will make it much

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