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identify duplicates

  1. #1

    identify duplicates

    I'm trying to match two rows of data and identify duplicates

  2. #2

    RE: identify duplicates

    An inelegant solution would be to transpose the rows into columns and then
    use the VLOOKUP function. Try transpose the first row and put it in column
    A, in column B put a bunch of 1's. Transpose row 2 and put it in column D.
    In column E put a bunch of 1's. Then use VLOOKUP, the formula (in F1) would
    look something like:


    where you see a one, it's a duplicate, where you see an error, it's not.
    Drag this all the way down.

    Then do the same thing but with formula:


    Hope this helps...

    "5thsun7thchild" wrote:

    > I'm trying to match two rows of data and identify duplicates

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