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VLOOKUP: Naming a range

  1. #1
    Noel S Pamfree

    VLOOKUP: Naming a range

    As a teacher I have used the VLOOKUP function in Excel often to give
    students a grade from their exam marks.

    Recently I found a spreadsheet which used 'm2g' instead of AD8:AE16 as the
    table_array value.

    I know that if I substitute the range instead of the m2g I get the same
    answer but am mystified as to why it works.

    Could it be that somewhere on the spreadsheet (that I can't find) something
    'names' the range m2g?



    The spreadsheet can be seen by clicking on the: Review your Business
    Systems portfolio grade using this spreadsheet on the right of the webpage


  2. #2
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: VLOOKUP: Naming a range


    To define a named range, select the range, from Edit menu select
    Insert>Name>Define, enter the name for selected range, and click on Add
    It's not obligatory to select the range at start, you also can enter the
    range directly into field RefersTo. When you don't use absolute references,
    the defined range depends on active cell/calling cell (and can return an
    error, when p.e. the range was defined with cell B2 active, and you select
    the sell A1, or refer to it in formula in A1). When the sheet, the range
    refers to, isn't defined, the range on active sheet is returned.

    Named ranges which depends on data on sheet, or on calling cell address, are
    called 'dynamic named ranges'. They are often used to return the datarange,
    where rows are added or removed freguently. P.e. the named range with
    RefersTo formula (a simple one)
    , and non-empty column headers in range Sheet1!A1:C1, and without any empty
    rows in used range,
    returns the range Sheet1!A2:C#, where # is the number of last row in used
    range. Whenever the user adds a row, or deletes some, the range is adjusted

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    "Noel S Pamfree" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > As a teacher I have used the VLOOKUP function in Excel often to give
    > students a grade from their exam marks.
    > Recently I found a spreadsheet which used 'm2g' instead of AD8:AE16 as the
    > table_array value.
    > I know that if I substitute the range instead of the m2g I get the same
    > answer but am mystified as to why it works.
    > Could it be that somewhere on the spreadsheet (that I can't find)
    > something 'names' the range m2g?
    > Mystified,
    > Noel
    > The spreadsheet can be seen by clicking on the: Review your Business
    > Systems portfolio grade using this spreadsheet on the right of the
    > webpage at:
    > http://www.ralphallen.bathnes.sch.uk...0ict/index.htm

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