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Selecting values in rows

  1. #1
    Bas B

    Selecting values in rows

    I have the following problem:

    I have a lot of sheets with measurements on different dates and times,
    dates and times in different columns. The problem is that not all time
    series are the same, some measurement are every 30 minutes and some
    every hour. so some are like 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, etc and others are
    00:30, 01:00, 01:30 etc.

    All i want to do for now is:
    I want to create 1 main sheet with the following content
    2 columns with dates and times (smallest time step of course)
    a lot of columns with the measurement..

    so excel would have to do:
    Look in main sheet what time and date are asked for, then select in the
    other sheet the measurement, and print those values in the the
    corresponding cells in the main sheet... And that for all the different

    Bas Baartman

    Bas B
    Bas B's Profile: http://www.msusenet.com/member.php?userid=4965
    View this thread: http://www.msusenet.com/t-1871040005

  2. #2
    Bas B

    Re: Selecting values in rows

    After some though and looking around on the web i found the index/match
    functions... but now i have the following problem:

    for instance:
    row collumn a ; colomn b
    1 1 12
    2 1 14
    3 1 56
    4 2 12
    5 2 56
    6 2 18
    now i need to sellect the row in which where the value of collumn a = 1
    and the value of collomn b = 14

    any suggestions?
    Bas Baartman

    Bas B
    Bas B's Profile: http://www.msusenet.com/member.php?userid=4965
    View this thread: http://www.msusenet.com/t-1871040005

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