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macro assignments on toolbar go to 'save as' file

  1. #1

    macro assignments on toolbar go to 'save as' file

    In a workbook I am designing, named Grad Analysis, I have a toolbar called
    'Tempest Toolbar' which includes a number of custom buttons which run macros.
    When I save the file under a new name, eg Analysis Test (to test the
    workbook), all of the macro assignments for the buttons in Grad Analysis
    switch to Analysis Test - so that when I try to run the macros from the
    buttons in Grad Analysis I get a message saying that Analysis Test (which I
    have by now deleted) is not available. How can I stop this from happening?
    Many thanks in anticipation - past help has been excellent.

  2. #2
    Jim Rech

    Re: macro assignments on toolbar go to 'save as' file

    What you should do after the test save as Analysis Test and after doing your
    testing is (1) close Analysis Test, (2) use View, Toolbars, Customize and on
    the Toolbars tab delete your toolbar. Then when you open Grad Analysis to
    toolbar attached to it (I assume you have attached the toolbar to it) will
    appear and the toolbuttons will run macros in it.

    One thing to remember - after you've done your Save As you now have two
    workbooks with a toolbar attached having the same name. If the toolbar of
    one of them is present it blocks the toolbar of the other from appearing.
    You can make this easier by just having a Before_Close macro in each
    workbook that has a toolbar attached to it that deletes the toolbar on
    closing (the toolbar will be deleted from the current set of toolbars, but
    remains attached to its workbook so it's there when the workbook is

    "runandrun" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > In a workbook I am designing, named Grad Analysis, I have a toolbar called
    > 'Tempest Toolbar' which includes a number of custom buttons which run
    > macros.
    > When I save the file under a new name, eg Analysis Test (to test the
    > workbook), all of the macro assignments for the buttons in Grad Analysis
    > switch to Analysis Test - so that when I try to run the macros from the
    > buttons in Grad Analysis I get a message saying that Analysis Test (which
    > I
    > have by now deleted) is not available. How can I stop this from happening?
    > Many thanks in anticipation - past help has been excellent.

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