Hello all. I am a novice Excel user, and cannot seem to locate the source of my problem. Please help!

Here is my sheet:

C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4

9/22/2005 7:10 PM___10/1/2005 12:13 PM___ 8.7__52.6__6.0__317.64

Start date is entered into C4.
End date is entered into D4.

The following formula is in E4 to determine elapsed days:


F4 contains "FLAGED HOURS" (for a body shop estimate)

G4 contains a value used for "cycle time" and is using the following formula:


H4 contains a simple multiplication formula: =(F4*G4), but returns 317.64 INSTEAD of 315.6 (which is 52.6 x 6.0). I need the 315.6 result in H4.

Would someone please tell me what I am doing wrong????

Thanks very much!