I had posted before about displaying zero's. I wasn't quite as detailed as I should've been with what I needed help on.

I have ID numbers that are 9 digits long and need to be in this formant


I need this format to transfer into a mail merge word document, so I need the hyphen to show up when merged. I tried doing the first 2 numbers in one column and the 2nd set in another column so I could add the hyphen in the document and one field on one side; vice versa, but both columns will have zero's as starting numbers and it seems excel doesn't like it.

So my question is this:

A) Can you get a way to have the hyphen show on the merged document from excel when it is the format that gives the cell the hyphen?


B) Is there some way I can get excel to let me have numbers starting with one or two zeros?

Thanks for all your help-my brain is FRIED!