What kind of "fix" do you require?

Decimal fractions (even finite ones) usually have infinitely long representations when converted to binary. It just isn't possible to represent an infinitely long number within the finite confines of the computer's memory.

Roundoff error has been around for a long time and will likely always be a part of using a computer for calculations. So the real question is how to best deal with roundoff error (recognizing that it can often only be minimized, not eliminated), which will depend on what you need. Options to consider:

ROUND functions or number formats
Precision as displayed
Convert to integer (Assuming your numbers are EXACT to two decimals and not themselves rounded, an operation like (61.48*100-61.42*100)/100 can yield 0.0600000000000000)

Consider reviewing http://www.cpearson.com/excel/rounding.htm or any other article or text that discusses such roundoff errors. This is an issue that is fairly well documented.