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default start tab?

  1. #1
    Eric Shamlin

    default start tab?

    I've created a fairly big excel workbook, that many people will use in our
    It's built to be as "dummy proof" as possible, meaning I have hyperlinks
    connect much of the document and a lot of things auto-fill. I've
    locked/hidden many things so they can't break it.

    I have a simple question:

    Can I set a default tab?
    Meaning, no matter how the document is saved, when they open it it'll always
    open to a specific tab - in this case a Table of Contents tab.

  2. #2

    RE: default start tab?

    In your Workbook_Open event:

    Worksheets("Table of Contents").Activate

    Right-click the Excel icon in the top left corner of the window.
    Click View Code.
    Choose Workbook from the Object list.
    Type the code in the procedure.


    "Eric Shamlin" wrote:

    > I've created a fairly big excel workbook, that many people will use in our
    > office.
    > It's built to be as "dummy proof" as possible, meaning I have hyperlinks
    > connect much of the document and a lot of things auto-fill. I've
    > locked/hidden many things so they can't break it.
    > I have a simple question:
    > Can I set a default tab?
    > Meaning, no matter how the document is saved, when they open it it'll always
    > open to a specific tab - in this case a Table of Contents tab.

  3. #3
    Duke Carey

    RE: default start tab?

    With code that selects the Table of Contents sheet before saving (not
    advised, in case somebody is saving periodically while working, the code will
    move them away from their work), or with code that runs when the workbook is
    opened and selects the TOC sheet

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Thisworkbook.worksheets(toc sheet name in quotes).activate
    End Sub

    "Eric Shamlin" wrote:

    > I've created a fairly big excel workbook, that many people will use in our
    > office.
    > It's built to be as "dummy proof" as possible, meaning I have hyperlinks
    > connect much of the document and a lot of things auto-fill. I've
    > locked/hidden many things so they can't break it.
    > I have a simple question:
    > Can I set a default tab?
    > Meaning, no matter how the document is saved, when they open it it'll always
    > open to a specific tab - in this case a Table of Contents tab.

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