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Display a number as Kilometers and k/hr & as Time

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Display a number as Kilometers and k/hr & as Time

    Hi Guys,
    Can someone help me display a number from a formular as kimometers and kilimoters per hour, like "21k/hr" and also display 2 digit numbers at time, as in 34 would show as 0:34 or even better would be as " 34 mins" in the cell and 3 to 4 digit numbers as time like "3:45" or "3h 45m" would be great.

    Thanks guys, other than that, if you have any ideas to help me please look at http://users.bigpond.net.au/adams_st...ng%20stats.xls and let me know if i can get rid of decimal time in the data sheet..

    Thanks again.

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Display a number as Kilometers and k/hr & as Time

    First one

    Format the cell as General"K/hr"

    Second one

    use =IF(A1>99,INT(A1/100)&"h ","")&MOD(A1,100)&"m"



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Gonzo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Guys,
    > Can someone help me display a number from a formular as kimometers
    > and kilimoters per hour, like "21k/hr" and also display 2 digit numbers
    > at time, as in 34 would show as 0:34 or even better would be as " 34
    > mins" in the cell and 3 to 4 digit numbers as time like "3:45" or "3h
    > 45m" would be great.
    > Thanks guys, other than that, if you have any ideas to help me please
    > look at http://users.bigpond.net.au/adams_st...ng%20stats.xls and
    > let me know if i can get rid of decimal time in the data sheet..
    > Thanks again.
    > --
    > Gonzo
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Gonzo's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=486786

  3. #3
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Display a number as Kilometers and k/hr & as Time

    On Mon, 21 Nov 2005 04:35:49 -0600, Gonzo
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Hi Guys,
    >Can someone help me display a number from a formular as kimometers
    >and kilimoters per hour, like "21k/hr" and also display 2 digit numbers
    >at time, as in 34 would show as 0:34 or even better would be as " 34
    >mins" in the cell and 3 to 4 digit numbers as time like "3:45" or "3h
    >45m" would be great.
    >Thanks guys, other than that, if you have any ideas to help me please
    >look at http://users.bigpond.net.au/adams_st...ng%20stats.xls and
    >let me know if i can get rid of decimal time in the data sheet..
    >Thanks again.

    Assuming you've computed your km and km/hr as decimal numbers:

    1. Select the Cell
    2. Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type:
    0 "k"
    0 "k/hr"

    For the time function, because of the way Excel stores times, you need to first
    divide your "decimal time" by 24. This may require that you also alter your
    km/hr formula to multiply by 24.


    Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type:
    [h]"h "mm"m"


  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Thanks Guys

    Thanks for your help, i got the k/hr thing working, pretty simple.. i should have guessed :P

    But i still cant get the time to work to convert 3 digit mins to a time.. like 124 to show as " 2 hrs 04 mins"

    Can you please clarify?

    Again my file in question is here http://users.bigpond.net.au/adams_st...ng%20stats.xls

    The password for the protection is not set.. just turn it off..

    Thanks Again..

  5. #5
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Display a number as Kilometers and k/hr & as Time

    =INT(A1/60)&"hrs "&MOD(A1,60)&"mins"



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Gonzo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks for your help, i got the k/hr thing working, pretty simple.. i
    > should have guessed :P
    > But i still cant get the time to work to convert 3 digit mins to a
    > time.. like 124 to show as " 2 hrs 04 mins"
    > Can you please clarify?
    > Again my file in question is here
    > http://users.bigpond.net.au/adams_st...ng%20stats.xls
    > The password for the protection is not set.. just turn it off..
    > Thanks Again..
    > --
    > Gonzo
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Gonzo's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=486786

  6. #6
    David Biddulph

    Re: Display a number as Kilometers and k/hr & as Time

    "Gonzo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks for your help, i got the k/hr thing working, pretty simple.. i
    > should have guessed :P
    > But i still cant get the time to work to convert 3 digit mins to a
    > time.. like 124 to show as " 2 hrs 04 mins"
    > Can you please clarify?
    > Again my file in question is here
    > http://users.bigpond.net.au/adams_st...ng%20stats.xls
    > The password for the protection is not set.. just turn it off..

    As you've got the time merely as a number of minutes, divide it by (24*60)
    and format as time. If you want the format as you've asked for, custom
    format as:
    h "hrs" mm "mins"
    David Biddulph

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Smile Thanks Again!

    It works great guys, thanks heaps!

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