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Formatting cells for decimals and hyphens

  1. #1

    Formatting cells for decimals and hyphens


    I'm trying to make a spreadsheet of available guns at our store and I need
    to type in things like:


    but it self corrects .410 to .41 and if I write 10-11-11 it wants to create
    a date.

    How do I turn off the formatting so I can type in decimals and hyphens
    without excel correcting them to some other format?

    Thanks, Mark

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Formatting cells for decimals and hyphens

    Preformat that range (whole column?) as text.
    (Format|cells|number tab|Text)

    Or start your data entry with an apostrophe:


    Kram wrote:
    > Greetings,
    > I'm trying to make a spreadsheet of available guns at our store and I need
    > to type in things like:
    > .410
    > .300
    > .308
    > .243
    > 30-06
    > but it self corrects .410 to .41 and if I write 10-11-11 it wants to create
    > a date.
    > How do I turn off the formatting so I can type in decimals and hyphens
    > without excel correcting them to some other format?
    > Thanks, Mark


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Formatting cells for decimals and hyphens

    Try this:
    Select all of the cells you might be entering data into, or just select the
    whole column...then

    Category: Text
    Click [OK]

    Now, everything you type into those cells will be text and not
    re-interpretted by Excel as number.

    Does that help?


    "Kram" wrote:

    > Greetings,
    > I'm trying to make a spreadsheet of available guns at our store and I need
    > to type in things like:
    > ..410
    > ..300
    > ..308
    > ..243
    > 30-06
    > but it self corrects .410 to .41 and if I write 10-11-11 it wants to create
    > a date.
    > How do I turn off the formatting so I can type in decimals and hyphens
    > without excel correcting them to some other format?
    > Thanks, Mark

  4. #4
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Formatting cells for decimals and hyphens

    On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 17:59:07 -0800, Kram <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I'm trying to make a spreadsheet of available guns at our store and I need
    >to type in things like:
    >but it self corrects .410 to .41 and if I write 10-11-11 it wants to create
    >a date.
    >How do I turn off the formatting so I can type in decimals and hyphens
    >without excel correcting them to some other format?
    >Thanks, Mark

    Either pre-format the data entry range as text (format/cells/number/text)

    OR precede the entries with a single quote. This will not show up in the


  5. #5

    Re: Formatting cells for decimals and hyphens

    Wow, that is a quick response...one game of solitaire and 3 quick answers,
    I printed out all three.

    Thanks very much for the help!


    >>I'm trying to make a spreadsheet of available guns at our store and I
    >>need to type in things like:
    >>but it self corrects .410 to .41 and if I write 10-11-11 it wants to
    >>create a date.
    >>How do I turn off the formatting so I can type in decimals and hyphens
    >>without excel correcting them to some other format?

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