1. Enter an Excel worksheet cell to construct a formula and thereof
Insert a Named Formula via the Define Name dialog box.

2. Partial evaluation pertaining to that part of the Named Formula
(inside the cell formula) shows a variety of observations such as the
following :-

3a. The most notable ones could be {3} and such like (namely, an
integer or a real number, depicted as a single element array).

3b. Another surprising case would be {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9} (i.e., an
array of multiple elements).

3c. Less than a spectacle is a plain number (without being clad in a
pair of curly brackets).

4. And so, the question is, how is it possible to determine and
ascertain beforehand which Excel flavour would (likely) to be returned
for a Named Formula ?

5. After all, it is rather not quite possible to have a Named Formula
clad in a pair of curly brackets without invoking an annoying error
message to follow suit.

6. Regards.