On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 23:45:23 -0000, "Ade" <[email protected]>

>Hi there
>I'm an inexperienced excel user but have been given a task to present some
>raw data spewed out from a telephone exchange to a note pad file into an
>excel spreadsheet. From the outset I've had difficulty in transferring the
>data over but have been following the help files provided by office online
>and have, up until now, muddled through. My latest problem has had me
>tearing my hair out for the last four hours or so. Notepad gives me a six
>digit figure eg 105306 which is the time mark for an event ie 10:53 and 6
>secs. How can I use this 6 digit figure to generate a time format within a
>cell in excel? Every time I try to format the cell it just gives me nonsense
>output, something like 00:00:00.
>I'm pretty sure it's a boneheaded question for some of you experts but can
>anybody give me a clue?
>Thanks in advance

You first need to convert that six digit number into something Excel will
understand as a time; and then format that result appropriately:

e.g. with data in A1

B1: =--TEXT(A1,"00\:00\:00")

Then Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type: hh:mm:ss
