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Confirm before deleting a worksheet?

  1. #1

    Confirm before deleting a worksheet?

    When deleting a worksheet, is there a setting in Excel 2003 where it will
    prompt you whether you really want to delete the worksheet?

    This feature was in previous releases of Excel but I haven't found it in 2003.


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Confirm before deleting a worksheet?

    If xl2003 thinks that the worksheet has been used, then you'll get the prompt.

    I created a sheet.xlt template file and stored it in my XLStart folder. I just
    wanted each new sheet to have a certain footer.

    When I add a new sheet to an existing workbook, excel sees that sheet as "used"
    and I get a prompt.

    Maybe you could do the same thing.

    I also have a workbook template named book.xlt in that same XLStart folder--with
    the same footer info in each sheet. I get prompted when I try to delete any of
    those sheets, too.

    edeil wrote:
    > When deleting a worksheet, is there a setting in Excel 2003 where it will
    > prompt you whether you really want to delete the worksheet?
    > This feature was in previous releases of Excel but I haven't found it in 2003.
    > thanks.


    Dave Peterson

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