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viewing formulas/concatenate

  1. #1

    viewing formulas/concatenate

    I'm attempting to use the concatenate formula (something that I've
    done before).
    After I enter the formula and press enter, the formula, and not the
    result populates the cell. I know that the formula worked because when
    I press the = sign, I can see that formula result. I just cannot see
    it in the cell. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: viewing formulas/concatenate

    Excel likes to help.

    Try this on a test worksheet.
    Select A1 and hit ctrl-; (to put the date in the cell)
    now select B1 and type: =a1

    Notice that excel changed the format of B1 to match the format in A1.

    Now format D1 as Text.
    put ASDF in D1
    put =D1 in E1
    You see ASDF.

    With E1 selected, hit the F2 key and then enter (to pretend that you're changing
    the formula).

    Excel has "helped" you by changing that cell's format to text.

    I don't know of any way of changing this behavior.

    I just select the cell, and reformat it to General (or whatever I wanted). I
    hit F2 and then enter (to reenter that formula).

    Sometimes this feature is nice, sometimes it ain't.

    alex wrote:
    > I'm attempting to use the concatenate formula (something that I've
    > done before).
    > After I enter the formula and press enter, the formula, and not the
    > result populates the cell. I know that the formula worked because when
    > I press the = sign, I can see that formula result. I just cannot see
    > it in the cell. Any thoughts?


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Vitalie Ciobanu

    Re: viewing formulas/concatenate

    is this happening only with one formula/cell or every formulas are displayed
    if every, you probably have tools/view windows options/formulas checked. you
    should uncheck it.

    Name: Vitalie Ciobanu
    Nickname: AISBERG
    Homepage: http://aisberg.rau.ro
    "alex" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm attempting to use the concatenate formula (something that I've
    > done before).
    > After I enter the formula and press enter, the formula, and not the
    > result populates the cell. I know that the formula worked because when
    > I press the = sign, I can see that formula result. I just cannot see
    > it in the cell. Any thoughts?

  4. #4

    Re: viewing formulas/concatenate

    Thanks Dave. A simple fix; I would have never thought of.

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