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Filename.xls [Group]

  1. #1
    Barb Reinhardt

    Filename.xls [Group]

    I have opened a file that is on a remote server and it shows [Group] next to
    the file name when opened. I'm actually trying to unprotect a sheet in the
    workbook and it won't unprotect. Can someone explain what the [Group]
    designation means and what I can and can not do with a file that I only have
    read access to.

    Thanks in advance,
    Barb Reinhardt

  2. #2

    Re: Filename.xls [Group]


    The 'Group' means that two or more sheets have been grouped and any changes
    you make to one will be made to the other/s.
    To ungroup, right click on a sheet tab and left click on Ungroup Sheets.
    If the worksheet has been protected, yo may not get this option, however.
    You'll need to get the password.


    "Barb Reinhardt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have opened a file that is on a remote server and it shows [Group] next
    > the file name when opened. I'm actually trying to unprotect a sheet in
    > the
    > workbook and it won't unprotect. Can someone explain what the [Group]
    > designation means and what I can and can not do with a file that I only
    > have
    > read access to.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Barb Reinhardt

  3. #3
    Bob Umlas, Excel MVP

    RE: Filename.xls [Group]

    [Group] means >1 worksheet are selected at the same time. Right-click a sheet
    tab and select Ungroup sheets
    Bob Umlas
    Excel MVP

    "Barb Reinhardt" wrote:

    > I have opened a file that is on a remote server and it shows [Group] next to
    > the file name when opened. I'm actually trying to unprotect a sheet in the
    > workbook and it won't unprotect. Can someone explain what the [Group]
    > designation means and what I can and can not do with a file that I only have
    > read access to.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Barb Reinhardt

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