I got help in a previous post. instead of using a series of input boxes to
gather information i'm using a userform. so with this userform the user
inputs information into each given area adn then it inserts that inforation
into the next available row. however the user form has two tabs one to add
new information and one to alter information. on the alter tab the user puts
in a series of numbers and puts in information they want to change associated
with the number they put in. so the part i'm stuck in is when they click the
"alter" button i inserted i want the userform to search the spreadsheet for
that first number, once it finds it it inputs the new data in the appropriate
columns on that row next to the first column. so basically the macro
associated with this userform will find the first number inputed by the user
in the spreadsheet, once found it will change the information next to
it...any suggestions?