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Color Formats

  1. #1

    Color Formats

    I create most of my spreadsheets on my desktop. I also have a laptop
    connected to the same network. I just opened a spreadsheet on my laptop and
    the color format looks different then the one on my Desktop PC. I changed a
    couple colors on the color pallete on my Desktop PC and use those in some
    reports but looks like if the color palletes not the same as someone else is
    will look different? Is that right?
    Is there a way to fix this? If I create a custom grey color and add it to a
    header I'd like it to be grey on everyones computer.
    This example I used custom light grey on my PC but when I opened it on my
    laptop in was an ugly yellow. If I go to change colors the sqaure box (box
    area color your choosing)is in the same area for both spreadsheets but one
    color on the pallete in grey and the others yellow.
    Sorry for the long post, hope this makes sense.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Excel has, I believe, 56 standard recognised colours as per the attached. These colours should reflect reasonable standard on most systems (as they do on my laptop and my PC).

    If you wish to setup other (mix-and-match) colours then I recommend that you do so on the laptop, (the lesser system), which should then reflect similarly on the pc.

    Hope this helps

    Quote Originally Posted by Str8
    I create most of my spreadsheets on my desktop. I also have a laptop
    connected to the same network. I just opened a spreadsheet on my laptop and
    the color format looks different then the one on my Desktop PC. I changed a
    couple colors on the color pallete on my Desktop PC and use those in some
    reports but looks like if the color palletes not the same as someone else is
    will look different? Is that right?
    Is there a way to fix this? If I create a custom grey color and add it to a
    header I'd like it to be grey on everyones computer.
    This example I used custom light grey on my PC but when I opened it on my
    laptop in was an ugly yellow. If I go to change colors the sqaure box (box
    area color your choosing)is in the same area for both spreadsheets but one
    color on the pallete in grey and the others yellow.
    Sorry for the long post, hope this makes sense.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3

    RE: Color Formats

    The problem occurs in the screen resolution.

    Also, if you use custom formats they will not be the same when another user
    opens the workbook as his/her pallete will be different to yours.

    "Str8" wrote:

    > I create most of my spreadsheets on my desktop. I also have a laptop
    > connected to the same network. I just opened a spreadsheet on my laptop and
    > the color format looks different then the one on my Desktop PC. I changed a
    > couple colors on the color pallete on my Desktop PC and use those in some
    > reports but looks like if the color palletes not the same as someone else is
    > will look different? Is that right?
    > Is there a way to fix this? If I create a custom grey color and add it to a
    > header I'd like it to be grey on everyones computer.
    > This example I used custom light grey on my PC but when I opened it on my
    > laptop in was an ugly yellow. If I go to change colors the sqaure box (box
    > area color your choosing)is in the same area for both spreadsheets but one
    > color on the pallete in grey and the others yellow.
    > Sorry for the long post, hope this makes sense.
    > Thanks

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