I have a workbook that is basically a check register that include these
fields: Deposits, Withdrawals, Ending Balance, Fees, Balance After Fees. The
Fees field is to show charges for overdraft fees (if any), so the statement
in that field says if the ending balance is less than zero, then post 10.00
in the Fees field, if not, post 0.

That part works fine. However, because I have filled my formulas down, in
those rows that there have been no transactions (deposits, withdrawals), if
the last transaction created a negative balance and posted 10.00 in the Fee
field, then it continues to subtract 10.00 all the way down for the remaining
balances, which is incorrect.

I am trying to find a way to write a statement that basically says - If
there are no deposits and no withdrawals then I want the Fees field to be
blank so that it does not subtract from the balance so that the balance just
fills down.
