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Chart Series Formats lost when list re -sorted

  1. #1
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    Chart Series Formats lost when list re -sorted


    I have created a bubble chart where I have set specific colours to each series.

    However if I then sort the source table (this not a pivot table just a list) the formating doesn't follow and they all change.

    Any way to fix the format so this doesn't happen and I keep consistent colours irrespective of sorting the source data ?


  2. #2

    RE: Chart Series Formats lost when list re -sorted

    I am having a similar problem. I have set up a data table and created a list
    out of it so I can add additional data over time. From this list, I have also
    set up multiple charts in which specific data series are compared in each
    chart. Since each data series appears in multiple charts, I have colored each
    data series the same so it is constant when moving from chart to chart.

    When I add new data to the series, the data correclty appears on the charts
    and the formatting (color reference in the legend) also remains to the
    settings I had previously specified. However, when I save the workbook, exit,
    and re-open the workbook, all formatting is lost. Thus my color referencing
    for each data series is non-existant. Considering the number of charts and
    data series I have, it is too time consuming to reformat each data series in
    every chart.

    I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain how to prevent this
    from happening, or if this problem could be fixed in a update.

    Thank you,

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