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fields formated as 3-8-18 autoformatting to date on when exported

  1. #1

    fields formated as 3-8-18 autoformatting to date on when exported

    have fields in third party program which when exported to Excel are
    autoformatted to date. Ex: 3-8-18 autmatically becomes 3/18/2018.
    How do I disable this? Can only export to Excel - program creates new

  2. #2

    RE: fields formated as 3-8-18 autoformatting to date on when exported

    Not knowing your exact procedure it's hard to be specific, but somehow in the
    process try to format that column as TEXT, or append a leading apostrophe to
    the strings to make Excel see them as text.

    Vaya con Dios,
    Chuck, CABGx3

    "Angel" wrote:

    > have fields in third party program which when exported to Excel are
    > autoformatted to date. Ex: 3-8-18 autmatically becomes 3/18/2018.
    > How do I disable this? Can only export to Excel - program creates new
    > workbook.

  3. #3
    Tim M

    RE: fields formated as 3-8-18 autoformatting to date on when exported

    Format the colmun you exporting into as 'text' then try going 'data'...'text
    to columns'...click next, then next again. You will then see a drop down
    menu in the column data format area that contains date formats, select y/m/d
    and it should display as you wish.

    "Angel" wrote:

    > have fields in third party program which when exported to Excel are
    > autoformatted to date. Ex: 3-8-18 autmatically becomes 3/18/2018.
    > How do I disable this? Can only export to Excel - program creates new
    > workbook.

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