I am working on More macros and I am trying to figure out how to Select Every
row except for the last 10. SO:

Select rows 1 through Last Row - 9.
Delete selected rows

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "V").End(xlUp).Row
Cells(LastRow + 2, "V") = Application.Sum _
(Range(Cells(1, "V"), Cells(LastRow, "V")))

That is what I am using in another macro for selecting the last row +2 in
Column V, then summing the entire column within it. NOW, I figured I could
take that and pull a last row -9 from it and having it delete the entire row,
but I'm having some poor luck. I've managed to get it to delete everything
within the Column, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it get rid of
the rows.

Any ideas?