I have been searching threads and we have a few on Ranking but I need to rank
a list sorted by county, town, then by a descending value "Score"
I can rank the table but say 80 records can share the same score but be in a
different county & or town.
I need to rank only on towns by score which works if I select only that Town
but I have a number of towns (49)

This works but I cannot pin down the reference ,$M$2:$M$319 (for one town)
as the list moves

I tried this but it ranks the whole table, can I rank on a grouping in a

M being the data, which can be grouped by column N, then L
the list moves so I am unable to use cell references as a County(L) or
Town(N) go
I need advise on Ranking a table which grows and shrinks but the ranking
must be particular to only the Town and not the entire list.

I wish to keep equal ranks to duplicate values.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.

Hope I have missed something simple

Win 2000 Pro - Access 2000