Really have no ideas where to start so ill just explain what i am trying to do.
I have 1 worksheet listing Peoples names, DOB, age etc. in rows from 1 - 50.
with cell A always being their name.

I then have a second work sheet listing the SAME peoples names followed by thier Home and Mobile numbers in rows from 1 - 50. HOWEVER when 1 person has a Home AND Mobile number thier name is duplicated, for example:
Cell A Cell B Cell C
P.Jones HOME 01322 1234124
L.Smith HOME 01454 1231234
L.Smith MOBILE 07841 777777

Now what i need is to merge the two sets of data. Was thinking a macro that looks for the names listed in the first workbook and then finds the same names in the second workbook, and depending on what referance Cell B has in it, it puts the data in cell C into the corosponding cell in the first workbook. im probally making it more complicated than what it is but any ideas or suggestions would be a great help. Also if the macro idea works, what would the code be??

Many thanks