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Automated currency symbols

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Automated currency symbols

    Hi All,

    I wondered if anyone has any ideas for me. I've created a spreadsheet for one of our sales guys to prove how quickly our product will pay for itself. I've included a box where the user enters the current conversion rate of £pounds to $dollars, €uros, ¥en etc. which automatically updates the prices for all the products.

    However, I'm looking for a way to it to display the correct currency symbol as well as the correct prices. I've experimented with creating a drop-down list with the relevant countries and it populates the previous cells before the figures with the correct currency symbol (using IF) but this isn't really cutting the mustard as I need to display alternative symbols for about fifteen different currencies.

    Would anyone know the best way to go about this? I'd greatly appreciate any hints or suggestions anyone might have to offer!


  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Well if you used a vlookup instead of an if statement you could get to as many countries as you wanted, All you need is a list of countries with their currency symbol in the next column

    then something of the form
    Vlookup(country, Country list, 2,false)

    Vlookup(a1, a10:b:100,2,false)

    You could also look and concatinating the cells for the results, but this then depends if you need to do calculations on the result



  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    That's wonderful - thanks for your help on this, am playing around with this now.


  4. #4

    Re: Automated currency symbols

    The Choose(Index,Val1,Val2,Val3...,Val29) is also a great tool, but
    Limited to 29 values;
    It's very simple. Check it out

    "usiku" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]:

    > Hi All,
    > I wondered if anyone has any ideas for me. I've created a spreadsheet
    > for one of our sales guys to prove how quickly our product will pay for
    > itself. I've included a box where the user enters the current
    > conversion rate of £pounds to $dollars, €uros, ¥en etc. which
    > automatically updates the prices for all the products.
    > However, I'm looking for a way to it to display the correct currency
    > symbol as well as the correct prices. I've experimented with creating
    > a drop-down list with the relevant countries and it populates the
    > previous cells before the figures with the correct currency symbol
    > (using IF) but this isn't really cutting the mustard as I need to
    > display alternative symbols for about fifteen different currencies.
    > Would anyone know the best way to go about this? I'd greatly
    > appreciate any hints or suggestions anyone might have to offer!
    > Thanks,
    > Angela
    > --
    > usiku
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > usiku's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34829
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=545819

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