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Need to generate random values from a list

  1. #1
    Sumeet Benawra

    Need to generate random values from a list


    I want to be able to create a random values from a given list of values.

    e.g. In column A, there are these values:

    In another column, I want to randomly populate each cell with a value from
    column A.

    How can I do this?


  2. #2

    RE: Need to generate random values from a list

    =OFFSET($A$1,INT(RAND()*COUNTA(A:A)),0) will generate a random entry from the
    list. The logic is that counta(a:a) returns the number of non-blanks from
    column A. Multiply that by int(rand()*counta(a:a)) returns an integer >=0
    and < the number of non-blanks. The offset function goes down that many rows
    from cell A1. (I've assumed the entries in column A begin in row 1 and are
    Note that the rand() function, and therefore the formula, will get updated
    each time the sheet is recalculated. If you want to lock down a set of
    random entries, highlight the completed column, edit > copy, then edit >
    paste special, select values and click ok.

    "Sumeet Benawra" wrote:

    > Hi
    > I want to be able to create a random values from a given list of values.
    > e.g. In column A, there are these values:
    > aaaa
    > bbbb
    > cccc
    > dddd
    > eeee
    > ffff
    > In another column, I want to randomly populate each cell with a value from
    > column A.
    > How can I do this?
    > Thanks

  3. #3

    Re: Need to generate random values from a list

    One play if you want it to be random but non-repeating ..

    Assume source data within A1:A6

    In B1: =INDEX(A:A,RANK(C1,$C$1:$C$6))
    In C1: =RAND()
    Select B1:C1, fill down to C6

    B1:B6 will return a random shuffle of what's in A1:A6
    Each press of the F9 key will regenerate a fresh shuffle
    (Hide away col C, if necess)
    "Sumeet Benawra" wrote:
    > Hi
    > I want to be able to create a random values from a given list of values.
    > e.g. In column A, there are these values:
    > aaaa
    > bbbb
    > cccc
    > dddd
    > eeee
    > ffff
    > In another column, I want to randomly populate each cell with a value from
    > column A.
    > How can I do this?
    > Thanks

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