I have a worksheet titled lost days that look like this:

1 Name 96-97 97-98 98-99
2 Bert
3 oscar
4 elmo
5 elmo
6 maria

Then a 96-97 worksheet (i have one for each year begining 96 -2004) with :

1 Name Lost time Age Gender
2 elmo 2
3 elmo 0
4 Bert 1
5 Bert 36
6 ernie 0
7 big bird 0
8 oskar 0

I want to sum the total of lost days per person from the yearly worksheets
and enter it under the respective year int he lost days worksheet. For
example, I want know who may days did Bert lose in 96-97. I I thought I
could use sumif, but I'm the problem is I don't know how to tell it to sum
the colum B of rows that where it found the name Bert. I know $ make it
always do colum B, but what symbol do I use to say "from the rows the
correspond with the name (criteria)"? For Bert the formula would be:

=SUMIF('96-97'!A2:A36,'Lost days'!A2,'96-97 SIF'!$B4:$B5)

That would not work for anyone else as the row for their data are different

=SUMIF('96-97'!A2:A36,'Lost days'!A2,'96-97 SIF'!$B?:$B?).
