this is a bit off topic. I come here to ask about a problem in Ms word as there are no good MSword forums out there. Maybe some of you have experineced this. When using the equation editor in Word any saves of your Word document usually result in a "disc is full or too many files open" error

Try doing a google search on "disc is full" and you will see what I mean.
I've been trying for the 4 days to narrow down just what triggers this error but to no avail. The error seems to be intermittent . A document containing equations may be saved to disc with no problem but then a save at a later date may invoke the error. Microsoft is aware of this bug but they have no eal fixes for it. I sent microsoft an email stating that there software is sh*t and would they please fix it They have not replied.

Today was the worst day i have ever spent wordprocessing , The technique was to write a sentence, do a save, write a sentence, do a save ect. I did this to be safe and sure enough after about 1 hour of this the computer did a full regurgitation of my document and crashed the computer!!

Somethings up in MIcrosoftville and I tore a strip off them in my email

Any ideas??