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prefix a column of numbers with combination of zeros

  1. #1

    prefix a column of numbers with combination of zeros

    How can I prefix a column of numbers with a combination of zeros? I have used
    "find & replace" using the asterisk, but instead of prefixing the number of
    zeros and the existing string it literally enters the replace input. i.e find
    33*, replace 0033*, inputs 0033*. I thought that the asterisk would request
    the remaining numbers.

  2. #2
    JAMES T.

    Re: prefix a column of numbers with combination of zeros

    Use custom format. 00#. any number entered in the column will be
    preceded by two 00

    pinny wrote:
    > How can I prefix a column of numbers with a combination of zeros? I have used
    > "find & replace" using the asterisk, but instead of prefixing the number of
    > zeros and the existing string it literally enters the replace input. i.e find
    > 33*, replace 0033*, inputs 0033*. I thought that the asterisk would request
    > the remaining numbers.

  3. #3
    JAMES T.

    Re: prefix a column of numbers with combination of zeros

    Use custom format. 00#. any number entered in the column will be
    preceded by two 00

    pinny wrote:
    > How can I prefix a column of numbers with a combination of zeros? I have used
    > "find & replace" using the asterisk, but instead of prefixing the number of
    > zeros and the existing string it literally enters the replace input. i.e find
    > 33*, replace 0033*, inputs 0033*. I thought that the asterisk would request
    > the remaining numbers.

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