my worksheet first has columns representing the months of the year for 5
years. i.e. - jan '06, feb '06....nov '10, dec '10

then are colums representing the quarters for only 2 years i.e - qtr 1
'06...qtr 4 '07

so the cell under qtr 1 '06 will have the formula =sum a1:a3

the cell under qtr 2 '06 will have the formula =sum a4:a6 and so on

How can I copy/paste the cells I currently have to the cells for the last 3
years worh of quarters (qtr1 '08-qtr4 '09) and still keep the proper
references? When i try to copy/paste or copy/paste special or auto fill,
excell desn't properly fill in the formulas. if the cell i try to copy
refers to, say, a21 - a23, the first copied cell will refer to a22-a24
instead of a24 - a26.

i have about 20 worksheets with this problem both for the quraters and for
the years and I'm getting tired of changing it all by hand!

Thanks for your help!