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Roll down tables - sub categories.

  1. #1

    Roll down tables - sub categories.

    I have made a standard roll down table with a name list in alphabetical order
    from the validation function in Excel 2003 (not Auto filter). This list has
    become so long that it is bothersome to use.

    I therefore want to make one more roll down table so that the list can be
    split into subcategories, for instance by alphabet og ngeographic region, so
    that the oriinal list can get a more handy size. This means that if I click
    on "A" in the first list, the next (original) list will only show names
    starting ith "A" and so on.

    How is this two-step operation performed?

  2. #2

    RE: Roll down tables - sub categories.


    You could try using the auto filter. Data, filter, autofilter.

    And you could use the left formula to have one column show just the first
    letter of the name.


    If your list of names is in column A, then in column B you could write
    =LEFT(A1,1), and drap all the way down. Then use the autofilter, and in the
    column that has one letter only, select.

    Hope this helps,


    "dasom" wrote:

    > I have made a standard roll down table with a name list in alphabetical order
    > from the validation function in Excel 2003 (not Auto filter). This list has
    > become so long that it is bothersome to use.
    > I therefore want to make one more roll down table so that the list can be
    > split into subcategories, for instance by alphabet og ngeographic region, so
    > that the oriinal list can get a more handy size. This means that if I click
    > on "A" in the first list, the next (original) list will only show names
    > starting ith "A" and so on.
    > How is this two-step operation performed?

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