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Changing the source data in a pivot table... how?

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Changing the source data in a pivot table... how?

    How can I change the source data in a pivot report? For example, I pulled form a table in excel that I expected to e 3,000 rows. Turns out as it kept growing it topped 4,000. I only know how to delete the table and recreate.

    Is there a way to modify the source data without deleting in 2003? I know you can in 2007 but I can't use 2007 at work.


  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Canada, Quebec
    Click in your pivot table then right click (mouse) choose wizard choose back and then modify your range accordingly and then choose finish. The pivot table should be updated.

    Please always attach the sample workbook without sensitive information when asking for help

    To add a module
    Press Alt + F11 (this is the Visual Basic Environment)
    Insert Menu, select Module
    Past code there
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