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Adding to an entire column?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Adding to an entire column?

    Hey all,

    I tried to browse this forum (and google) for the answer to this question but I can't find it.

    I haven't really used Excel since highschool. I understand it easy enough, just have forgotten most of how to do things.

    On to my problem, I have a sheet for a class I'm a graduate assistant for. Column A contains names, Column B contains Mid-term grades.

    The teacher is going to curve the grades. Thus, I want to make a Column C, with 14 added to each value from B, and displayed in the corresponding cell in C.

    Ex, B2 = 65 C2 = 79
    B3 = 56 C3 = 70

    Is there any quick way I can apply a formula that adds 14 to each individual cell from B and puts it into the individual cells in C?

    I'm sorry if this is extremely easy/stupid, I just can't figure it out or find how online and I'd rather not manually add 14 to over 100 cells. That is what excel is here for right? Making things easier.

  2. #2
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    xl03 & xl 07(Jan 09)
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Thanks a ton! I knew it had to be something ridiculously easy. That saves me some more time to focus on my own work that really needs my attention!

    Again, thanks!

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