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Match a combination of numbers in a range with a Specific Number

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Rome, GA

    Question Match a combination of numbers in a range with a Specific Number

    Is it possible to create a formula to Match a combination of numbers in a range to Equal to a Specific number?

    Ex: Specific number = 1,563
    Have a range of cells, maybe 100 cells, with an amount in each cell.
    Is it possible to find a combination of 1 cell to ? cells that would equal the number 1,563?


  2. #2
    Forum Expert martindwilson's Avatar
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    office 97 ,2007
    i found this the other day
    from ozgrid
    and wanted to test it but havent as yet coz i dont have the solver add in but you might
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  3. #3
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    Thanks to Mike for asking a really interesting question and equal thanks to martin for keeping track of other site posts, updating self and sharing with others.

    solver coupled with scenario management & pivot table can help in many day-2-day practical situations like budgeting and forecasting. i appeal to everyone that someone should try to explain with the help of an example.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    This code is (slightly) adapted from Tushar Mehta's original:
    Sub test()
        ComboSum 211.01, 100, Range("B1:B30")
    End Sub
    Sub ComboSum(dTgt As Double, MaxSoln As Integer, rInp As Range)
        ' from http://www.tushar-mehta.com/excel/templates/match_values/index.html
        ' Lists the cells in single-column range rInp that total dTgt
        ' MaxSoln is the number of solutions wanted. Specify zero for all.
        ' Solutions are listed in the column to the right of rInp
        Const dEps  As Double = 0.00000001
        Const sSep  As String = ", "
        Dim asSoln() As String  ' solutions
        Dim vInp()  As Variant  ' values in rInp
        Dim daBeg   As Date     ' start time
        Dim WF      As WorksheetFunction
        If rInp.Columns.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub
        Set WF = Application.WorksheetFunction
        daBeg = Now()
        ' get the values from the range
        vInp = WF.Transpose(WF.Transpose(WF.Transpose(rInp.Value)))
        ReDim asSoln(0 To 0)
        RecursiveMatch MaxSoln, dTgt, vInp(), LBound(vInp), 0, dEps, asSoln, "", sSep
        ' list the solutions
        asSoln(UBound(asSoln)) = "Done @ " & Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss")
        rInp.Offset(, 1).Resize(UBound(asSoln) + 1, 1).Value = WF.Transpose(asSoln)
    End Sub
    Sub RecursiveMatch(ByVal MaxSoln As Integer, _
                       ByVal dTgt As Double, _
                       ByRef vInp() As Variant, _
                       ByVal iCurrInx As Integer, _
                       ByVal dCurrTot As Double, _
                       ByVal dEps As Double, _
                       ByRef asSoln() As String, _
                       ByVal sSoln As String, _
                       ByVal sSep As String)
        Dim i       As Integer
        For i = iCurrInx To UBound(vInp)
            If Abs(dCurrTot + vInp(i) - dTgt) <= dEps Then
                asSoln(UBound(asSoln)) = dCurrTot + vInp(i) _
                                         & sSep & Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss") _
                                         & sSoln & sSep & CStr(i)
                If UBound(asSoln) Mod 100 = 0 Then Debug.Print UBound(asSoln) + 1 & " solutions ..."
                If MaxSoln <> 0 Then If UBound(asSoln) >= MaxSoln Then Exit Sub
                ReDim Preserve asSoln(UBound(asSoln) + 1)
            ElseIf dCurrTot + vInp(i) < dTgt - dEps And iCurrInx < UBound(vInp) Then
                RecursiveMatch MaxSoln, dTgt, vInp(), i + 1, _
                               dCurrTot + vInp(i), dEps, asSoln(), _
                               sSoln & sSep & CStr(i), sSep
                If MaxSoln <> 0 Then If UBound(asSoln) >= MaxSoln Then Exit Sub
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Rome, GA

    Smile Thanks for the Solutions

    Thanks for the Solutions. I will give them a try. This is my first time at asking a question in an Excel forum. You all are a great help. I think I will continue to hang around. thanks again. Michael

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Rome, GA

    Smile Martin's answer worked

    Martin's answer using Solver from ozgrid WORKED!!! Thanks
    I will try the other solutions later.


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