Let me give some background first and then get to the issue I’m having. I work in the healthcare industry at a hospital and recently started in a new position. Each month a report is generated we can call it "physician analysis". This report lists each doctor, their specialty how many visits they had inpatient and outpatient, revenue generated and surgeries performed etc. MTD and YTD this years and last years. Last year’s information is linked from what’s already been done. The information for each month comes from 3 different sources, one cannot even be pulled into excel. The program is dos based and the only option is to print and manually input the information. The other two are imported into excel from a program called "(Cognos powerplay)- I’m double checking this-" The first report is a revenue report, it shows the doctors name, specialty, billing and more information which I don’t need. One of the columns represents MTD combined amount which I need and another column is the YTD amount. Each time the physician performs a service it represents a new row. I use the subtotal function at each change in physician I sum the MTD combined and the YTD combined replacing any current subtotals. As long as this has been around they did this then printed and manually input it into monthly master sheet. The second report is a census which shows the visit’s inpatient outpatient the same thing is done using the subtotal function and then manually put into the report. Both reports have information I don’t need so I either delete or hide those columns when I print. I’d like to find a way where the master sheet to queries the other two reports and imports the information. One last clincher, every month is different we might have a physician here one month gone the next or a physician who comes in for one procedure. I’m not sure why but some physicians perform procedures without billing for money. During the query process I need to know which doctors are new so that I can put them into the master report or have this super function automatically add it. So in some cases the census report will have a brand new physician that might not be included in the revenue report or vice versa I need to solve for this somehow. I have no idea where to start with something like this, but I know it’s currently extremely inefficient right now inputting all information line by line. Currently I’m working on some basic example templates to show if needed with all confidential information removed. Please let me know if I need to clarify further or if this should be in a different forum. I don’t know how to code, if you think I can handle this on my own reading tutorials etc please guide me. If you think I should outsource this build please be honest and tell me. Thank you for any help.