I tried searching the forums for this problem, but I am not exactly sure what I should be searching for.

Here is my problem. I have a main "Report" sheet and two other sheets "Left Report" and "Right Report", which should all have the same value in A1, which is a persons name.

The "Report" sheet A1 cell has a value of =Config!A2, which is a persons name, and A1 the name shows up fine.

The problem is when I try to reference the same cell in "Left Report" and "Right Report", it actually says =Config!A2 in the cell instead of the name(as if its not reading it as a function, and just sees it as text). I am stumped. I tried referencing the cells to =Report!A1 but the same thing happens. All the cells are formatted to General. I have tried changing this to text on all of them, but I get the same problem.

Anybody know a solution to this? I feel there is some sort of formatting I need to get rid of, but can't find it for the life of me.

