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Problems with Autofilter

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Problems with Autofilter

    Hi, I've got an intermittent problem with Excel's Autofilter function.
    I have a table of data (say around 500 rows so not too excessive) and have set the Autofilter range. Some times, after having filtered it (on just one column), I go back to the dropdown filter arrow and it does nothing (also the blue highlighting on the visible rows left hand side changes to plain black). The only way around this seems to be to turn off Autofilter, unhide all my hidden rows, turn it back on and then apply the filter. This does get a bit frustrating when it keeps happening.

    If it is relevant, there are no macros in the workbook, I'm using Excel 2003 and Windows XP. The autosave feature is enabled and set to save all open workbooks every 10 minutes without prompting.

    Any ideas what is causing this bug and any way round it?

  2. #2
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    Re: Problems with Autofilter

    I just started having a similar problem, as well; when I click the drop-down menu, it only gives me options for the first few rows of data.

    I have many empty cells in my grid, which might be part of the problem, but I've always had empty cells, and have never had a problem before.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Problems with Autofilter

    Well, this obviously isn't the most "professional" solution, but I simply added a column of zeroes along the side, signaling the length of the data field.

    Until a better solution comes along, MarkFerbert, that might work for you.

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